Nurtured Co. in partnership with Sunshine Coast Council are delivering a project to improve water quality and the health of our waterways. Several artificial oyster reefs, some incorporating seagrass transplantation, will be installed across three constructed waterbodies - Twin Waters, Parrearra and Pelican Waters North.
Oysters and seagrass play a vital role in maintaining and improving the health of marine ecosystems by filtering water and providing key sources of food and habitat for marine organisms.
These artificial reef structures will enhance the oyster and seagrass populations that are currently growing within these waterbodies – expanding and increasing their efficiency for positive water quality outcomes.
Timeframe: The oyster reefs will be installed during May and the seagrass restoration reefs during June 2022. We’ll monitor the project for one year to determine how well artificial reefs improve water quality.
Living Artificial Reefs: Mineral accretion technology will be used to create living artificial reefs. Mineral accretion technology involves using low voltage electricity to improve the health of marine organisms. As electricity flows to the underwater metal structures placed, the minerals from the water are attracted to the structures and begin to form a calcium substrate. This substrate replicates natural conditions for many marine organisms (such as corals and oysters) and has been shown to increase growth rates and improve the health of marine organisms. As electricity flows to the underwater metal structures placed, the minerals from the water are attracted to the structures and begin to form a calcium substrate. This substrate replicates natural conditions for many marine organisms (such as corals and oysters) and has been shown to increase growth rates and improve survivability through bleaching events and disease outbreaks.
To produce the small electrical current required for the reefs, Nurtured.Co use sacrificial anodes which react with seawater over time. This is the same process that is used on marine vessels to prevent rusting. This project is the first-time mineral accretion technology has been applied to oyster and seagrass restoration in Australia and we are excited to see the results.
What To Expect: Signage will be posted near the reef sites to inform the community about the project. The locations of the proposed sites and illustrations of what the artificial reefs will look like are shown on the following pages. These reefs will be fully submerged at all times and should not intrude on your current use of the waterways.

Parrearra Reef
Located along the foreshores of Parrearra's Island Park.

Pelican Waters North Reef
Located along the foreshores of Pelican Waters North.

Twin Waters
Located along the foreshores of Twin Waters.
To Contact Nurtured.Co’s research team please fill out the form below or email hey@nurtured.co. To contact Council’s project team please email coastalandcanals@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au Or contact Council’s customer service via the details below (please quote constructed waterbodies artifical reef project).